St. Mary's Cathedral

Welcome to St. Mary's Cathedral
A Catholic Community in the Diocese of St. Cloud

Striving to nurture faith that is centered on the Eucharist and the celebration of the Sacraments


Rev. Scott Pogatchnik, Rector

Rev. Jean-Claude Duncan, Parochial Vicar

OFFICE HOURS Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 1:30 pm

MASS SCHEDULE Weekend Masses
Sat 5:00 pm Sun 9:30 am & 6:00 pm

Weekday Masses
Mon 7:00 am & 12:05 pm Tue 7:00 am & 12:05 pm Wed 7:00 am & 12:05 pm Thu 7:00 am & 12:05 pm Fri 7:00 am & 12:05 pm Sat 7:00 am

RECONCILIATION Thu 4:30 pm Fri 4:30 pm
Sat 6:00 pm

See bulletin for holy days changes

ADORATION Tues 12:30 - 2:00 pm

HANDICAPPED ACCESS TO THE CHURCH An elevator at the northwest corner of the Cathedral provides access to the upper and lower churches.  Parking near the elevator can be accessed from the alley next to the St. Cloud Mission Shop off 8th Avenue.  

REGISTER AT ST. MARY’S CATHEDRAL Do you want to make it official? Have you have been coming to St. Mary’s Cathedral for a while and want to make it official? You may register by clicking on our Parish Registration Application below. If you prefer, you may call the parish office and register over the phone. Whatever works best for you. Welcome to the Cathedral. You may view our Welcome brochure.

Parish Registration Form


Baptism - Baptism is the beginning of our journey of faith within the Church. At baptism parents promise to "raise their child in the practice of the faith."  This, of course, presumes a relationship with the Church through worship, an individual prayer life, as well as a willingness to conform their own life to the Gospel of Jesus Christ within the Church. Call the parish office to schedule.

First Reconciliation - Please visit our ACC website for complete information.

First Eucharist - Please visit our ACC website for complete information.

Confirmation - Please visit our ACC website for complete information.

Marriage -  A couple must start the sacramental marriage preparation sessions at least six months prior to the anticipated wedding date.  The marriage preparation process includes Fully Engaged—Diocesan Marriage Inventory.  All couples married at the Cathedral must follow the policies for preparation laid out by the Diocese of St. Cloud and the policies set forth by the Cathedral for music, decoration and photography. Call Kelly Bjork at 320-251-1840 x0.

Wedding Manual

Liturgy Planning Guide (file will download on your computer)

Video: “Saying I Do: What Happens at a Catholic Wedding

Anointing of the Sick - This sacrament is available for those whose health is threatened due to aging, injury or serious chronic illness.  If you would like a home visit, please call the parish office. 

Funeral - A Catholic funeral is a religious service held for someone of the Catholic faith who has passed away. It serves an important function for the survivors, who believe that the soul lives on after death.

Funeral Guidelines & Procedures Book

Liturgy Planning Guide


Music Ministry Website


St. Cloud Metro Weekend Mass Schedule

All Called to Christ Daily Mass Schedule

St. Cloud Metro Reconciliation Schedule

Upcoming Special Events

*For a full list of events check out our “Upcoming Events” page by clicking here.